About us
About Te Haerenga o Ngā Tamariki
This student travel data collection programme is a NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi initiative.
The goal of the programme is to collect data about how primary school children in Aotearoa New Zealand get to school. If we have more data about how students travel to school, we can make more informed decisions and design better road safety and travel choice programmes.
Our journey
We have been working with schools, teachers and students to develop and trial this tool. This is now available to councils across the country. If you're keen to understand how to utilise the tool within your school or council, please email greer.hawley@nzta.govt.nz.
With enough use, this will generate a clear, comparable national database helping us understand how all children in New Zealand travel to school. We can then use this data to contribute to the uptake and design of road safety initiatives and programmes.
The programme values of Te Haerenga o Ngā Tamariki
Child led – Students are the ones telling us how they get to school by entering their own transport data. We want them to be at the centre of the process and be active participants.
Quick and easy – Participation, including student data entry, is simple and not disruptive to teachers and the school day.
Accessible and without judgment – All students must be able to participate (or not) in the programme, and there will be no judgement put on individual children, no matter their mode of transport.
Anonymous and secure – Multiple security measures in the system ensure individual children cannot be identified from the data they enter.
Any data is better than no data – We want teachers to be able to use this system with their class flexibly, in a way that works for them and their situation.